our story

Hey you,

It means everything that you’re here and wanting to know more about us and Candid Studios!

We’re sisters - Aimee and Lily with six years between us, both Aries in star sign, we were born in London and grew up in London with the most incredible parents John + Lisa, brother William and baby dog Troy, who we lost just as we moved into our studio and he was everything so we couldn’t not mention him. With stark differences in height - Lily calls me ‘big little sis’ and I call her ‘little big sis.’ We are both actresses who live a multi-hyphen lifestyle and this year the time felt right to start a creative project with purpose.

Rewind to 2022, where it’s safe to say, we both had a pretty turbulent time.

Aimee speaking here: to be particularly open with you (because I think it’s important) last year I felt like I had lost all of my confidence, I felt like I suddenly woke up and noticed I was the most insecure and uncomfortable in my body I had ever been. I just didn’t feel like myself anymore. I internally judged my intelligence, physical appearance and identity constantly. Anyone who knows me, knows that this insecurity really wasn’t in my make up. But I decided to see this shift as what it was - a period of my life that I would continue to navigate until I was out the other side. Cue the journey of self-discovery which led to us finding the purpose of Candid - to empower.

Lily and I realised how important focussing on loving yourself (or in my case - falling back in love with yourself) really is and how taking that into your own hands feels so powerful.

We discovered South Korean self-portrait studios in 2022, I visited Seoul in January and they were everywhere! They are such a cool concept - the joy and memories that come from them need to spread like wildfire. We want Candid to feel like a self-love project. For yourself, for your friends, your family, your dog, your brand. We have this vision of Candid hosting the most diverse array of people and their stories, flitting through the door, creating a touch of magic and then leaving, like a twist on Humans of New York. We want to celebrate people and their stories and we want you to leave here feeling like you can do anything. Because we believe you can.

Aimee + Lily